Reiki Training
IOGT Commanders
Grand Prioress Andrea Mikana-Pinkham
& Grand Prior Mark Amaru Pinkham

AndreaMikana-Pinkham-MaltaApril2013.jpg (12743 bytes)      MarkAmaruPinkham.jpg (11289 bytes)

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2015 Dates to be posted soon!
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Questions? Please email Andrea at
Or call 888 501-3853 (Toll Free in the US) or 928 284-2384

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For more information on REIKI, use the links below to navigate this page

What is Reiki ?

About Ichi Sekai Reiki

History of Reiki

 The Practice of Reiki

Reiki Training/Classes

About Andrea Mikana-Pinkham
Reiki Grand Master of 
Ichi Sekai Reiki

About Mark Amaru Pinkham
Reiki Master Teacher
Ichi Sekai Reiki

Heart Attunements - Unique to Ichi Sekai Reiki

Upcoming Reiki Classes

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What is REIKI?

Reiki (ray-kee) is a traditional Japanese healing art that has been shared in most countries throughout the world.  The word itself translates as "Universal Life Energy." This is the energy of life with which you were born. Therefore it's your birthright to channel this energy through your hands. for your own self-healing, and to assist others in theirs. As a Reiki practitioner the energy flows through your hands to yourself or the person who is receiving a Reiki treatment from you at a rate corresponding to the need for it, moving throughout the Being to bring balance on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

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IchiSekai (One World) REIKI

The Ichi Sekai Reiki System of Natural Healing is a bridge in the evolution of Reiki in the world today.  Andrea has combined valuable aspects of the traditional system, along with those of some of the more contemporary ones, thus offering a place for Reiki in the world that respectfully honors past, present, and future.

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A Brief History of REIKI

SanatKumara.jpg (11041 bytes)According to esoteric Japanese history, Sonten or Sanat Kumara as he's known in the West, was the first teacher on Earth to use the laying-on-of-hands healing system that today is known worldwide as Reiki. Legend states that he arrived on Mt. Kurama in Japan approximately 6 million years ago, and many believe his spirit still dwells today within the mountain. High upon Mt. Kurama, a shrine dedicated to Sonten is daily revered by Buddhist priests and his dedicated Japanese worshippers. 

Reiki was "re-discovered" in the late 1800's by Mikao Usui, aMikaoUsui.jpg (21745 bytes) Japanese educator, who was one of Sonten's regular worshippers. After being challenged by one of his students to explain the healing abilities of enlightened beings such as Jesus and Buddha, Dr. Usui began a search of many years, during which he intensely studied the healing symbols contained within the Buddhist Sutras/ After years of research, he decided to spend 21 days in deep meditation on Mt. Kurama.  On the 21st day of his quest Dr. Usui found that his own inner healing power, his Rei-Ki, or "Life Energy," was suddenly activated. And he also received instruction on how to use the Buddhist symbols to enhance his new-found healing ability.  Descending from Mt. Kurama, Dr. Usui resolved to dedicate the remainder of his life to helping heal others with the Reiki energy, while also passing on to those who would be interested, the wisdom of how to awaken and enhance this power. His teachings had been passed on in a direct lineage until several years ago.  At that time the lineage branched and today there are several different methods of training.

Andrea will give a more complete explanation of this history in the Reiki Level One training.

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The Practice of REIKI

In the practice of Reiki the energy is applied through a gentle, unmoving touch from the hands of the practitioner to the body of the client, going through clothing, blankets, etc.  

People feel many different sensations from the touch of the practitioner's hands, ranging from warmth, tingling, prickling, to aggravation of symptoms, coolness and instant relief from pain.  Many people report feeling very relaxed, perhaps to the deepest level they've ever attained.  Some enter a meditational state where they obtain an understanding of various life issues.  Others experience a release of long-held emotions.  Still others find that physical and emotional imbalances/ailments, both chronic and acute, subside and in some cases disappear.  Acute problems can disappear quickly, while chronic conditions usually take longer.  The number of sessions needed depends on the length of time the illness has been experienced as well as the willingness of the client to bring him/herself into balance.   

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REIKI Training/Classes

Classes are offered for people who want to learn to use Reiki for themselves and others.  The hands-on techniques for treating yourself, others, plants, animals, and situations, both in person and across distances are shared.  In addition, you receive attunements to your energy field which facilitates the life energy in flowing more freely throughout your being and to others. 

There are three levels or degrees in the Ichi Sekai Reiki System of Natural Healing.  In each successive degree, you will open up more and more not only to your own self-healing, but will also deepen your commitment to allow the energy to be used to help others. 

First level training opens up your healing channel, reawakens your innate healing ability, so that the life energy flows more freely in through your head, collects in your solar plexus, and overflows out through your hands. 
The investment for Level One Reiki Training is $150.00 for a 2-day weekend class. 

In the second level training you will learn symbols which will enable you to send the energy over time and space to any person or situation. Other symbols facilitate healing on the mental level, allowing you and others to heal the underlying core issue of dis-ease. 
The investment for Level Two Reiki Training is $100.00 for a 1-day class.

In Ichi Sekai Reiki the third level training is offered in two parts:
Reiki Master Practitioner - During this training you will deepen your commitment to the Reiki energy as you receive the Reiki Master Symbol. As well you will learn how to use this and the Heart Attunements for healing yourself and others.

The investment for Reiki Master Practitioner Training is $150.00 for a 1-day class.

Reiki Master Teacher - During this training you will further deepen your commitment to the Reiki energy, as well as to teaching Reiki to others. This training is offered on an individual basis under the direct supervision of the Reiki Master Teachers of the Ichi Sekai System of Natural Healing

Questions? Please email Andrea at
Or call 928 284-2384

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AndreaMikana-Pinkham-MaltaApril2013.jpg (12743 bytes)Founder (1991):  The Ichi Sekai (One World) Reiki System of Natural Healing

First Level: The Usui System of Natural Healing, 1988

Second Level: The Usui System of Natural Healing, 1990

Third Level: Johrei Reiki Way of the Fire Dragon, 1991

Additional Training - Third Level:
The Usui System of Natural Healing 1999 & Kundalini Reiki, 2006

For more information about Andrea click here

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MarkAmaruPinkham-MaltaApril2013.jpg (9203 bytes)First Level: The Usui System of Natural Healing, 1988

Second & Third Level: Ichi Sekai Reiki, 1991

Additional Training - Third Degree:  Cosmic Fire Reiki, 2002 and Kundalini Reiki, 2006

For more information about Mark click here

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Heart attunements were developed in the Ichi Sekai Reiki System in order to assist in focusing the Reiki energy for the continued opening of the heart center, and thus to facilitate the flow of Unconditional Love. They are given with each attunement, at all levels. As a Reiki Master Practitioner you will learn how to use these powerful attunements, not only for your self-healing, but to assist others to futher open their hearts as well.

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Upcoming REIKI Training

2012 Dates to be posted soon!
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Investment for Various Levels:
Level One: $150.00
Level Two: $100.00
Level Three - Reiki Master Practitioner: $150.00
Reiki Master Teacher: Individual Sessions - $50.00/hour

To Register, visit and pay into the account of

If you prefer to pay by check:
Please make your check payable to “Heartlight Fellowship”
Mail to:
Heartlight Fellowship
P.O. Box 3591
Sedona, AZ 86340

Questions? Please email Andrea at

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Updated 02/09/2015

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